Tag Archives: catch up

How I’m Finally Kicking My Cold

When will I remember to stop and take some pictures on my runs?!  I so enjoy being outside and taking in the sights and fresh air, yet I forget to take photos to share.  Sigh.  So, here we are with a recycled photo from last year to represent the bike path that a friend and I ran on this weekend.

After being sick for a week (which felt like much longer), I was relieved to finally feel well enough to run this weekend.  And lucky for me, the weather was clear and I found people to run with both Saturday and Sunday.  So it seems I’m running the remnants of the cold out of my system and thus I’ve regained my energy.  It’s a good thing too because I have plenty of catch up work and other things I’d like to accomplish.  The sooner, the better.  Wish me luck.

Do you feel refreshed after the weekend?
What do you do to recharge?

Busy as a Bee

I find myself especially busy after last weekend’s anniversary getaway to Block Island.  It’s always hard to catch up after vacation, even a short one.  Coming home to a dead laptop power cord only made it worse.


Sandy Point, Block Island

So this week I am not succeeding in finding good balance.  The weekend was a rare, true vacation.  You know how much I LOVE Block Island.  Well, going there with just my husband – no kids – was awesome!  No offense, kids.

Unfortunately, after all that relaxation came a brutal return to reality.  Rob had to work for hours Sunday night when we got back, so that was not a nice welcome home.  After unpacking, catching up on laundry, and getting the kids to bed, I hopped on my computer and found it wad quickly losing power as the power cable had broken.  😦  Naturally, I did not have a spare.  So here I am a few days later, swamped with catch up work now that I finally have access to QuickBooks again.  So while Rob was busy the beginning of the week, I’m busy now.  Thus, we’re like ships passing in the night.

Fortunately, the weekend is coming.  And it’s a loooong, holiday weekend, so even better.  I’m looking forward to time with family including picking apples and pumpkins.  I love the Fall!  Plus, I’m finally going to do the Freedom Trail Run in Boston.  I found this run last year, but plans just didn’t work out until now.  I can’t wait.  Oh, and I hope to get some painting in too.  Long weekends are great!

How’s your week going?  Any plans for Columbus Day weekend?